Solidworks Office Professional

SolidWorks Toolbox Video Tutorial

Creating Parts with Toolbox (Unit)

1: Creating Parts with Toolbox Introduction

2: Starting Toolbox

3: Creating Retaining Ring Grooves

4: Creating O-Ring Grooves

5: Setting up a Cam

6: Creating a Cam

7: Modifying a Cam to enable a Cam Follower Mate

8: Create Shaft with Grooves

9: Create a Cam

10: Assemble Shaft & Cam

11: Creating a Structural Part

12: Using Structural Profiles

13: Rotating & Aligning Profiles

14: Beam Calculator

15: Calculating Deflection

16: Weldment Feature Review

17: Using Structural Steel Profiles with Weldment Elements

18: SolidWorks Content

19: Using SolidWorks Content

Toolbox Browser (Unit)

20: Toolbox Browser Introduction

21: Starting Toolbox Browser

22: Toolbox Browser Files: Create Configurations

23: Toolbox Browser Files: Create Parts

24: Toolbox Browser Files: Create Parts on Ctrl-Drag

25: Inserting Toolbox Parts

26: Toolbox Favorites

27: Add to Library

28: Creating New Library Folders

29: Add to Library

30: Create Assembly with Toolbox Browser

31: Assembly with Toolbox

32: Using Toolbox Bearing Calculator

33: Using Toolbox Fasteners

34: Using Smart Fasteners

35: Missing Toolbox Parts

Configuring Toolbox (Unit)

36: Configuring Toolbox Browser Introduction

37: Configuring Toolbox Design Library Standards

38: Configuring Document Settings

39: Configuring Document Settings Example

40: Configuring Color Properties

41: Configuring File Names

42: Configuring Part Numbers

43: Configuring Custom Properties

44: Configuring Smart Fasteners Defaults

45: Configuring Smart Fasteners: Automatic Fastener Change

46: Configuring Smart Fasteners: Washer Sizes

47: Configuring User Access Control

SolidWorks Toolbox.rar

95.31 MB
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